Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Every week our program has a raffle, and a few weeks ago my roommates and I all entered to win soccer tickets. We found out that we each received 2 tickets, and were able to go to the game, which was held last Friday. The teams were France vs. Albania, and boy-oh-boy was it a fun time! Since all of my roommates (including myself) won the tickets we all got to invite friends! I decided it would be fun to invite a friend from high school who is also studying abroad in Paris, Michael.

We had some difficulty finding one another since we don't have very reliable French cell phones, but eventually it all worked out (like I'm starting to realize everything does). I felt bad because the tickets said "section Z", all of us felt like our program had jipped us and gotten the nose-bleed seats just to be cheap. Upon arrival we discovered just how wrong we were.

We were about 5 rows back and right behind the goalie. So much fun! We spend our evening surrounded by children with their father's screaming "Allez les Bleus". It was just such an experience! A couple of people bought French flags that we were waving all night long!

All in all it was such a fun night! France won 3-0 and we all had a great time. Unfortunately for us we got home really late and had to wake up early the next morning for our excursion.

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