Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Culture Shock

Culture Shock-

 The definition of culture shock is the trauma you experience when you move into a culture different from your home culture. A communication problem that involves the frustrations that come with the lack of understanding; the verbal and nonverbal communication of the new culture, it's customs and it's value systems are only a few of the problems.
The differences that people may experience include lack of food, unacceptable standards of cleanliness, different bathroom facilities and fear of personal safety.

Five Stages That People May Experience With Culture Shock

Stage 1:  Excitement and fascination with the new culture.  This is where they will overlook minor problems and look forward to learning new things.
Stage 2:  Crisis period.  This is where excitement turns to disappointment and there are more and more differences that occur.  Problems start to be overwhelming and irritating and may use the "fight-back" technique by saying rude remarks or making jokes.

Stage 3:  Adjustment phase.  This is where they learn to accept the culture and to change their negative attitude to a positive one.

Stage 4:  Acceptance and Adaptation phase.  This is where they will feel at home and become involved in activities and may enjoy some of that countries customs.

Stage 5:  Reentry shock.  This is experienced upon returning to the home country and the return may follow with initial euphoria, crisis or disenchantment.  It may be hard to readjust and may feel like they are not accepted.

This is what happened to me yesterday. I don't know what it was- the lack of sleep, early morning start, long day at school, but I felt completely uneasy for the entirety of the day. 
The hardest part of living here is the language barrier. Most people told me not to worry because coming to Paris everyone would speak English. After two weeks of being here I am discovering that this is not the case. Contrary to many people's beliefs the Parisians are in fact very nice and for the most part do not fit into our Americanized stereotype of them. I've enjoyed all who we have met, all that I have done, and the experiences that I have endured but yesterday it was all too much.
I felt overwhelmed by a country that I knew nothing about. I walked down the streets not understanding most of the signs, or the conversations that were surrounding me. I felt more and more disconnected by the slightest differences around me. The smells, tastes, words, textures...everything is not my norm. 
I crave the familiar. I miss seeing the stars above the desert. Hearing the cows moo from my window in SLO. I miss driving the toffee mobile and listening to my music. I miss mexican food (A LOT). I miss chewing gum. It's crazy how different Paris is from America. The simplest things like light switches just make me realize how out of place I feel. 
I know that it's my job, and responsibility while I'm here to immerse myself into this culture. Learn a Parisian way of life. Recognize the differences and reflect that perhaps our American lifestyle isn't necessarily the best and only way. I do love being here, and those who have been involved in the process know how hard I worked to get to where I am today, right now, writing this entry in my Parisian apartment. I just have to say that I'm feeling lonely and out of place. Missing the familiar and recognizable. Missing the venti Starbucks and In-n-Out burger. 

There are 14 weeks remaining in this program. 14. It seems to be going by at light speed, but also at a snails pace, simultaneously. It's difficult to explain to anyone who has never experienced these feelings, but I appreciate all who have tried to help me cope with them. 

Every night before drifting off to sleep I look at the pictures that line the wall by my bed. My best friends, my family, my Theta's, my Beta's...I know that everyone is waiting for me at home. I close my eyes and think about sitting on the beach at school, listening to the ocean, and then I realize that as soon as I get back there I'm going to close my eyes and think about sitting in front of the Eiffel Tower. 

14 weeks. My countdown. Not only to come home, but also to enjoy every single second remaining, and to make the most out of every opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there babe! Im so proud of the journey you are making over there, and your strength in facing everything that Paris has thrown at you. You give me hope and love everyday, keep up the excellent job and good attitude. Love you so much and eagerly await your return. I'll make sure step 5 goes as smoothly as possible :).

